Why internal communications matter in every organization

Discover our webinars, guides and case studies showing different organizations and our clients tackle their internal communication challenges, and find more information on how Spencer helps decentralized organizations by improving employee engagement.

Change. What’s in it for me?

Change. What’s in it for me?

Whether change management succeeds or not, depends largely on how successful you are at change communication. And success doesn’t happen just like that. It requires a dedicated channel that helps you with your messages and different audiences. A channel that tells you how to optimize change communications based on insights.

How purpose is vital for engaging remote-working employees

How purpose is vital for engaging remote-working employees

< WEBINARAbout FLRISHFLRISH, a strategy and communication ecosystem built on 2 pillars: purpose and attention. The purpose of FLRISH is to give roots and wings to purpose-inspired people and organizations. They focus on the ‘how’ of...


Download our free guides

7 tips to generate business impact with your internal communication


5 retail facts to improve your internal comms


Getting started with employee experience


Why your intranet should make way for an employee application


Spencer is the trusted companion of large enterprises in a wide variety of industries

Spencer is already servicing more than 100.000 employees worldwide and has proven benefits, regardless of job titles and seniority. For telecommuting and in-office workers, in both a blue and white collar workforces.

Spencer is the trusted companion of large enterprises in a wide variety of industries

Spencer is already servicing more than 100.000 employees worldwide and has proven benefits, regardless of job titles and seniority. For telecommuting and in-office workers, in both a blue and white collar workforces.

A shift in employee empowerment at Delhaize


Empowering Proximus’ employees for a digital transformation
