Make your news feed more dynamic

To make your feed truly captivating and engaging, it’s crucial to harness the power of dynamic content and effective article linking. Read more below.

Featured & highlighted content: introduction

How to make your newsfeed more dynamic? 

When you make an article a “featured” article, it is pinned to the top of the news feed and put “in the spotlight”, designed like a card. You can place an expiry date on this so that the article will end up in the regular news feed after a specific date. 

What’s more, you can also choose whether you want to make an article “highlighted” or not. A highlighted article is designed like a card. One that is not highlighted has a smaller visual and the title next to it. 

What does it look like in the app?

Featured content
web vs desktop

What does it look like in the back office?

You find these features in the Settings tab. In addition, we offer some explanations so using them is easy. 

You also see which articles are featured and highlighted on the content overview page.

As you know already, you can put your article in the spotlight/feature to pin it on top of the feed. 

With the newest web version, you can manage which articles will stand out in the first box (1) at the top, and which remain below in the squared format (2). 


Go to your article in the back office > settings:

  • Put my article in box 1: mark both checkboxes
  • Put my article in box 2: mark only feature checkbox

How to play these features to their strengths?

Ask yourself 2 questions:

1. Is this information important? Do my colleagues need this information to do their job?

2. Is this information urgent?

important vs urgent

Create internal links in articles

You can to add links to other articles in your employee app within an article instead of only at the bottom. This will, for example, allow you to make digest posts where you combine more minor updates around a particular topic in one article. And it’s convenient for longer pieces.

Any questions?

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